Please create a profile of the person for whom you wish to give this poem.
1) Your Name:
2) The name of the person to whom you are giving the poem:
3) Your relationship to this person:
4) Type of poem:
5) Tone of poem: (You may select more than one.)
6) List at least three objects or activities your recipient likes. (Give specific details, for example: "Riding a mountain bike in the rain on Mt. Tamalpais."
7) List at least three objects or activities your recipient dislikes. (Give specific details, for example: "When I leave my wet shoes near the front door."
8) A fragrance that you associate with this person:
9) Anything else you wish to include in this poem:
10) Your email:
11) Phone number and best time to call:
First, click "Submit Order" button to order your gift poem. Then click back button to return to "Donate" button for check-out. Price: $100.