Poetry du Jour Blog

Healdsburg Center for the Arts, November 2016
"Art of Gastronomy" opening reception
Photo: John Martin Photography
Herein the reader will find my musings and reflections on the practice of writing gift poems for the public, and for private individuals.
Taking my Smith Corona typewriter, my signs, and my table to public markets, dinner parties, art openings, and oceanside cafés, I compose poetry on the spot for people to give to family and friends.
I compose poems to be presented to the wedding couple on the big day, as well as a special day-of-the wedding poem.
I am available via Skype for consultation. Please email me to order your gift poem today.
All names on these blog entries are changed.

11 June 2017
The White Horse, the Rainbow, and the Artichoke
At Café Aquatica, Jenner, California
18 June 2017
Typing with Bears
At Café Aquatica, Jenner, California Father's Day Post
24 June 2017
In a Place First Missed
The Calistoga of Sarafornia - A Wedding Poem
16 July 2017
Honey-Jelly and the Green Parrot of South Pasadena
Calling Grandma - Children's Poetry
23 July 2017
The Kayakers of Poetry
A Seaworthy Writing Instructor
12 November 2017
Sonoma County Wildfires: Writing for Relief
The Poet as First Responder